10 Tips to Teach Numbers & Alphabets to Children with Autism
Survival in this world becomes more difficult for people who show the slightest tendencies of having natural flaws. Making it sound like a personal fault and being uptight about it is something people end up doing unintentionally. However, without a doubt, it is true that anyone can excel in anything if they put their mind to it. Similarly, for children with Autism, it is a little difficult to indulge in relationships and socialize like a normal child. They cannot learn, speak or write as easily as a normal child does. But a true teacher or parent can always help them through with their struggles. Every child is unique which is why each one of them requires a unique teaching method according to their intellect and needs. Same method of teaching a lesson cannot work on all the students. Children with Autism tend to be special in this case as well. If you are a teacher and a parent to an autistic child, it is essential for you to pay attention to the correct method of teaching them. You can also take an extra step and go with e-learning for teaching autistic kids. There are certain learning apps on iPhone and iPad for teaching autistic kids. Here are some helpful 10 tips for you to know how to teach numbers and alphabets to autistic children.
1. Give Simple Instructions
Children with autism cannot respond to tricky questions cleverly. When you ask them to do a task, such as memorizing numbers, remember to specifically address them first in a polite manner, and give simple and direct instructions as to what they need to do. Do not become impatient and get frustrated with autistic children. Use language that is simple and easy to understand. While teaching children with autism alphabets, place the uppercase and lower case letters on a table and ask them to match pairs.
2. Stay On A Sensory Alert
Teaching autistic toddlers require an ultimate support from parents to communicate and tell his teachers about how to deal with him. If you have previously dealt with such children then you might know the tips and tricks but since every child is different from one, this is necessary. Teaching children alphabets is different from children with autism alphabets learning and the more you know about them, it’s better.
3. Pay Extra Time & Attention
It is very important to pay extra attention and more time to autistic children as they can be slow learners and require your patience. Carry out small activities to make them learn the letters and numbers such as using colored chalks and boards, physical letters, alphabet blocks, etc.
4. Go Easy & Use Games
Children with autism struggle with direct interactions and conversations which means that they will most probably avoid telling you about certain things that might be bothering them. Go easy on them as compared to other children so they don’t end up being stressed and holding it in. You can use simple abc games or number games to teach them alphabets and numbers as this method is more effective and less distracting rather than direct questions.

Teach Alphabets to autistic children using tracing games!
Children with Autism will have fun learning alphabet while showing their creativity by tracing A to Z letters with colors. This game is great for nurturing creativity and teaching letters and numbers. Learning from books can be difficult for an autistic child, alphabet tracing will make it fun and engaging for them.
5. Use A Direct Language
Make sure that you avoid talking in hints. Autistic children will get confused if you use metaphors, idioms, etc. Use a direct language when you teach them letters such as “do you want to write or paint?” instead of “Let’s do something creative today”.
6. Prepare Sequence For Them
Teaching autistic toddlers for example if you are teaching them about letters and numbers make sure to follow a step by step approach. Such children usually struggle with sequencing and you have to play part to help them deal with it.
7. Help Them Make Friends
Encourage them to talk to other students about the lessons you have taught them. You can get other children to help their autistic friend learn the alphabets outside of classroom and encourage social interactions.
8. Help Them Write
Now, working with autistic children in writing requires patience and practice. Helping children with autism alphabets and number tracing will need you to follow a few steps to follow writing tips for autism. You can help them do this to improve their hand-eye coordination.
- Keep the pencil vertical and in front of arm’s length. Sit properly with your back straight while doing so.
- Help them concentrate on a point while they move it towards their face. They will see two pencils instead of one. Ask them to stop!
- Distract them and help them move their focus to something else and then try again until they focus to let the double vision get disappear.
- Repeat this process multiple times.
9. Provide Fewer Choices
When you give them a quiz, provide fewer choices. The more choices you give, the more confused they will be. Three choices at max are enough to help them differentiate between right and wrong answer.
10. Repeat Patiently
As you teach them about number and alphabets, make sure you repeat yourself patiently when you receive a blank stare the first time you spell something out. Slowly repeat yourself twice or thrice until you get a response.
11. Treat Them As Individuals
It’s obvious that children coping with any issues whether it’s related to medical or social, require serious concentration. If there’s any autistic child struggling around us, we need to pay close attention onto him. Such kid’s require special treatment and your behavior and response towards them hold immense importance in their life and overall behavior. Teaching autistic kids require a little more motivation for them.
12. Avoid Lengthy Verbal Instructions
While teaching autistic kids it’s there should be precise and easy verbal instructions for we all know it is difficult for them to follow up with long strings of instruction said verbally. You have to focus over writing more if he can read. It’d be easy for them to look up to it and keep in mind. They find it difficult to imagine and create picture in their minds.
13. Sing an alphabet song
Autistic teaching is different from the usual one, not everyone is capable to practice it successfully. While educating children with autism alphabets and numbers sing the alphabet and number song till you find them repeating it back to you. Give them a pictorial representations of one, ask them to point each one while singing along.
14. Observe Their Strength
Every child in this world, no matter what challenges he beholds in his personality has some strengths. You just need to observe what it is very closely. Children with Autism do face challenges in performing activities but you need to draft strategies to implement helping them out. For children with autism alphabets learning can be done through pictorial representation or different applications involving such activities.
Autism is a developmental disorder which is found in many children. Working with autistic children requires special abilities or you might find it impossible to work. Teaching children with autism alphabets and numbers require different styles. They often tend to have strong connection with beats and music. Therefore, their teaching and learning strategies should incorporate sounds and music techniques.