Activities For Preschoolers At Home
Engaging the mind of a Preschool-aged child when they’re at home in an entertaining and exciting way does not have to be a daunting task. Sure, many children learn to entertain themselves quite easily be it using their vivid imaginations and exploratory play or even just reaching for those addictive devices like smartphones, tablets, or TV. But there are more engaging ways and activities for preschoolers at home to stimulate the sponge-like minds of your preschooler and maybe even your own when you’re at home. Here are a few ideas from Preschool Home Activities.

Teach your kids Math more effectively with educational apps.
This time tables app is a perfect companion for kindergarten and preschool kids to learn. This multiplication tables app is very useful to learn tables for kids from 1 to 10.
Scavenger Hunt
The home is the perfect setting for embarking on an epic scavenger hunt and to take into action indoor activities for preschoolers. Transform your home into an adventurous treasure hunt. Create a list of clues or maybe even hide the clues in strategic locations throughout the house. Sometimes the added mystery of having to first find the clue rolled up in a bottle or taped to the bottom of the kitchen table adds an extra layer of intrigue that children love. Get creative with the clues. Write the clues in rhyme or pose them in the form of a riddle. This activity is sure to teach deductive reasoning as well as the virtue of patience.
Arts and Crafts
Engaging the creative part of the mind is crucial to developing abstract thinking. Drawing, coloring, cutting, and pasting are a few ways to get the creative juices flowing. If possible, throw in some mathematics or color lessons. For example, you could prompt the preschooler to cut out three orange triangles from construction paper and paste them to the green construction paper. This might sound rudimentary and simple but for a preschooler it can be a great challenge. And if needed adjust the complexity of the task according to the ability of your child. Giving your child creative freedom is perfect for the development of their minds and developing self-confidence. Perhaps give your child a prompt that involves illustrating a familiar scene from their favorite movies or a beloved memory. Use the opportunity to teach phonics whenever possible. If the child draws a character from a TV show, perhaps a yellow sponge, teach them that sponge stats with S. If they draw a ball at the beach, show them how beach and ball both start with the letter B. Arts and Crafts can be incorporated n almost most of the fun activities for preschoolers.
Fun in the Garden
Start a few plants from seeds in a few dixie cups or pick up a couple of seedling starter-kits at your local garden center. Allow the child to plant the seeds themselves. Now such at home activities for preschoolers which are also more about preschool learning activities at home are what kids generally enjoy doing. Show them how to water the plant and teach them how light and water help grow the plant. You don’t have to be an expert gardener. If you’re inexperienced with gardening starting with something simple. Soak some raw beans in a cup of water overnight and plant them in a small cup of soil. They will be sprouting in a couple of short days. Whatever you choose to plant, make sure to look up the ideal time to plant them. You can adapt this lesson to the changing seasons. Pumpkins require very little up-keep and double as a great fall arts and crafts project. Jack-o-lanterns anyone? Enjoy spending quality time with your little one and get into these preschool activities at home.TRICK OR TREAT! The child will be thrilled to see where food comes from and reap the fruits of their contribution.
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