Effects of screen time on children
Today’s generation relies on smartphones, tablets and other internet devices and it’s very common amongst children to indulge themselves into such activities. Even if most of the parents are worried, they still hand them such stuff to keep kids busy for some time and eventually it becomes a habit. This article sums up some major effects of screen time on children.
Effect of Screen time On Brain:
It is said that too much screen time risks children’s mental health. Studies claim that children with screen time usage of two hours a day show power performance of language and thinking tests at school. This is a serious issue that needs to be known to help understand better development of a child’s brain. Parents should know how much screen time for kids should be allowed. Since, in the early years of childhood your brain is still in the development stage and any performance can lay an impact on its growth. Therefore it needs to be known and be aware of activities that lead to its damage.
The effects of screen time on child development are alarming. Also, scientist claim that children into screen usage of more than seven hours tend to suffer from thinning of brain lining i.e. Cortex. It is responsible for decision making and critical thinking. It can be deduced that there are numerous effects of screen time on brain development.
Even if we observe as a parent, it can be seen that if children are involved in mobile phones and tabs, they don’t show interest in other physical activities that are actually beneficial for them. Playing with toys enhances the imagination skills of young children and leads to smart critical thinking.
Effect of Screen time On Development of Children:
– Language:
It is known that children learn languages and tend to speak quicker while communicating. Communication is the key to enhancing language learning, or getting involved in playing and doing activities together. Unlike using tablets where visualization is the only thing and the brain is not focused on learning.
– Emotional Issues:
Excessive usage of anything never proves to be helpful and beneficial in any way. By spending most of the time using these devices their imaginative power and observation gets affected. They don’t enjoy the company of any person in front. They get disturbed, depressed and frustrated if not allowed using it for some time.
By showing lack of interest in others, they won’t be able to learn and understand facial expressions and be able to think creatively because indulging in such devices gets one’s critical thinking ability affected.
– Sleep Issues:
Studies claim that children with more screen usage have slower release of a sleep hormone known as melatonin. It is responsible for sleep and in such cases kids tend to wake up in the middle of night and don’t get a proper sleep. Not getting sufficient sleep means one cannot perform better and stay fresh throughout the day.
– Obesity:
Too much usage of mobile devices or tablets can cause children to lay in bed or sit all day without being physically involved in any activity and that’s why should parents limit screen time as it can cause them to gain weight and become obese which is not healthy and can cause health risk and problems in the future.
How to Limit Screen Time?
It is on you as an adult and a parent how you manage to allow how much screen time kids should have and limit it or permit usage in a way that it proves to be useful for your little one. You can play any show on tv and watch along, this will allow a more face to face interaction and communication between two of you.
Try finding online educational on screen programs for your little one. This way it’d be easier to learn and understand things in the best way. Prolonged exposure to screen time must be handled wisely with proper implementation of rules. It shouldn’t be allowed to incorporate screen usage at meal times, while studying or interacting with others.

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