Teaching Kids How To Sound Out Words Without You:
The ability of sounding out words demand application letter-sound knowledge. A good practice and repetition is all what it requires. You need to be consistent with it. The more time you spend doing it, the more you’ll be able to perform better. There are some children out there who are more interested in learning and seeking knowledge about new words. Some of the others might be uninterested in doing so. You can have them learn through playful activities. You might most of the time be present to help out your child but what about the time when you aren’t. He doesn’t have to stop learning because of it.
Many of the children build an ability to understand the pronunciation of words usually by making reading a practice. You have to make him just teach the steps for being able to say a new word when it appears. Below are some of the tips and tricks for kids to how to sound out words on their own.
1) Teach Alphabets:
In order to sound out words for kids, alphabets are very important. Not only learning but also how each one is pronounced. You need to teach them the sound for each and ask to repeat. Let them practice it by saying different words and understand the difference between each sound. Learning alphabets is the key to practice sounding out words kindergarten. The next thing is then develop and strengthen the listening skills. If a person is a good listener chances are always higher that he is a better learner. You learn the best through listening.
2) Break The Word:
There would be times when your child will come across a word that he’s unfamiliar with. What to do then? What if you are not there to tell him how to say it. The most simple and effective technique when teaching a child how to sound out words is to break it. For example if there is a word card, they need to break it down like C/A/R/D to make it easier to say by determining the sound for each alphabet. Ask them to repeat the process several times and they’ll end up saying it out correctly. There are some words in English grammar that have different sounds like the words chair, chef and chaos have three different sounds. Take your time and teach them about different sounds.
3) Read Aloud:
Reading loud makes kids understand how to associate between printed and spoken words. Reading aloud will help him get in his mind how different words are said when he hears them. Set a time in your child’s daily schedule to listen to the story book you read out for him. If possible hand him afterwards and listen him reading. If he is reading encourage him to place his finger along. This also helps brain remembering the words you come across.

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4) Blending Words:
It’s a bit tricky but very important to make a child learn how to blend and combine different sounds to make a word. Though blending is the next step after teaching kids sounding words and breaking them to make it more convenient for them. For example if the reader is calling out the word r/u/n, smoothly blended it would be like ruunn.
5) Write Down The Words:
Keep in mind the following things when sitting with your child to make him teach sounding out words. •Don’t Rush:Be patient and slow while reading out words and let children listen and observe. •Pause:Hold the sound beginning with each one and wait. •Look for The Letter:Let him find the letter from the book that you sound and be patient with it. It may take some time initially but he’ll learn to know gradually. •Help Him Write:First you do in front of the children that write instantly when you hear a sound of a word without knowing the word itself but just the sound. Ask then your little one to do so. This would improve their ability to recognize and learn sounds.
6) Cumulative Blending:
You can start with the help of letter tiles. Cumulative blending is very beneficial in terms of learning how to sound words especially for kindergarten students. Such kids are very creative and eager to learn through different interesting methods. You can try using alphabet tiles and place them in order to make a word. Ask the child to point finger one by one to each alphabet and sound it as he moves forward. For example the word cat starts with the sound C/A/T. When completing two alphabets, repeat the process by going back to the first word and understanding the sound. After that, start over again and including another word and so on until he ends blending the sound for the whole word. It is the best way to determine how to sound a word for children even when you aren’t around.
7) Be Consistent:
If you work over your child on daily bases and teach him to become consistent, he will definitely know how to cope with difficult words. Along with application of all the above methods, one must be consistent. If he comes across a new word, it’s always not possible for him to be able to sound it out immediately but consistency is the key. If he keeps trying, he’ll end up with something. The aim is not to give up.
Decoding original words is followed by reading which is crucial in terms of learning almost everything. Of course there are guidelines to follow for learning but one should be independent enough to practice it on its own. The techniques to be followed for practicing are the same and must be clearly defined so that one can apply by themselves with every word. It will take time and begin with a slower pace and eventually increase with time afterwards. The blending of different sounds help determining a word and is followed by reading afterwards. Practice and repetition is the key. There might be children out there who practice how to sound out words by just reading from an early age on their own but some of them might need a harder push start.