How to Teach Phonics to Kindergarten
When a child initiates his learning career i.e. (usually begins when he starts with his school), a lot of changes await him. From making new friends to developing confidence, to be able to perform well and communicate with people around all this is what he learns from the very first day of his educational career. He of course learns many of the things from play but to be able to understand things requires a systematic approach.
Then comes your role as a mentor, teacher and a supporter to help your child perform his best in every stage of his life. Things might have changed from when you were at his place and the ideas along with the way of thinking might require new strategies. Once you come to know about phonics, the next thing is how to teach phonics to kindergarten?
Importance of Phonics:
Phonics involves learning via letter sounds to help you read and understand words. You need to know how to teach children to read using phonics for better understanding of words. Children who are in pre-school usually develop an understanding of sounds various alphabets make. Their listening ability is way stronger than the reading or writing. After that when they enter the primary, they are made learn the letters of alphabets systematically along with words like c-a-t and sh, ss and es sounds. Once they get to learn how to read words, they develop an understanding of pronunciation of different words combining alphabets.
What Children will learn and How to help them with it?
Below are a few ways to guide you help your little one improve learning through phonics and tips on how to teach children to read using phonics.
1) Keep it fun:
Don’t forget that the aim of teaching phonics to kindergarten is to make your child learn through sounds to grasp his interest and keep him engage in his free time. It should be fun to keep the interest of the little learners and not to be turned into a chore just like a syllabus you follow in schools. He will learn best if it involves his interest. Don’t keep it too long, 10-20 mins daily is enough to incorporate learning phonics for kindergarten and make sure he is not exhausted and is free to deliver his focus. Even if at the end you realize to a point that he has become a good learner, don’t give a pause to his reading process.

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2) Build Strong Foundation:
While teaching phonics to kindergarten one thing you need to make sure is the focus on sounds first instead of pictorial representations or letter names. The recognition of the sound helps to incorporate and make them be able to incorporate reading.
3) Incorporating Phonics in Nursery Learning:
The most important part to keep in mind is the interest of a child triggers his mind and engages him to learn things more frequently and quickly. Know what your child finds interesting and for example if he is into vehicles, see how many different noises he is able to get and differentiate. Check and observe if he can copy it, sing songs along with them. Say rhythms and let them copy you.
4) World Building Rocks:
Word building rock helps children establish learning and know how about how words make sounds. You can also try by making cards of different alphabets and ask children to make different words by assembling them. This will give them a broader and better understanding of sounds different letters make and how to make words out of it. You must know the tricks to grab the attention of the little learners while starting with how to teach phonics to kindergarten.
5) Keep practice:
A little practice can lead to great improvement at anything. Have discussion or random talks about it daily. Even if you are not being into an atmosphere of learning with notes or books around you. You can talk about it verbally and still learn. While cooking, driving or playing you can make them aware of sounds different letters make. Go for quick challenges or short activities.
6) Read and Spell Along:
Reading improves your learning and ability of recognition of words and alphabets making them. It should be of a regular habit in order to improve understanding of words and initiating with how to teach phonics to kindergarten. The more you practice, the more it gets better and that’s the main core of how to teach children to read using phonics. Spelling letters provides and helps learn sounds of each one and keep it in your mind.
7) Step by Step:
To help make children learn association between letters and its sound requires time and a step by step approach is what helps. It has to be broken down into steps in order to make the learning process more practical and beneficial. At first, the oral manipulation has to be taught moving forward to reading and writing.
8) Phonics Fun with Primary:
Keep going with the games and activities while teaching phonics to kindergarten that builds interest. Encourage them to read out books they like and even if they bring books from their school, involve with them to read out loud. Help them sounding any word they struggle but not always. You can stop at the middle of reading and ask him to say the sound from where the next one begins.
9) Word Hunt:
Play hunt the word you know he knows or you made him learn. You can do this while you are reading him a book. Let him seek for the word for example ‘Can you look for words that start with S’ or ‘Find the word baby’. Encourage him to look for and learn words from around him like the posters, street signs or signs outside the shops and praise him if he does to boot up his encouragement. If they stumble a word don’t rush forward to help them out but let them try till end and let them try without any help.
10) Phonic activities:
Children tend to learn more when fun incorporates any learning activity. Teaching them sounds and letters is not a onetime task and one can always get fed up with learning the same thing over and over. You can involve fun phonics activities such as ‘flash cards’, ‘Letter sound race’ or ‘smack the letter’ to persist the interest of your child.
It’s never enough how much you emphasize on why letters and learning language is important. While teaching phonics to kindergarten child remember you are working on building his foundation that he will carry for the rest of his life. Phonic activities is tried which proves excellent outcomes. This article shares what methods you must adapt on how to teach children to read using phonics.