Top 7 Reasons Why Do Kids Hate School?
Ask any school child about his school and you won’t find him giving you such good reactions about it. Most of the children don’t like going to school and absolutely hate it over there. There a number of different reasons about why do kids hate school and surprisingly you’ll find most of the answers similar. You’ll often find kids around you making excuses for not going to school. Have you ever wondered that why a kid refuses to go to school? There must be some reasons behind a child’s such attitude.
Children are curious about learning and getting knowledge of new thing since they come into this world but why is that when a child gets to school he loses interest in learning? Even before going to school we see most of them excited about this new journey but why do kids hate school soon after they start going there? Why do we hear parents sharing their concern and telling others that my child hates school?
Freedom Of Actions
Let’s figure out the most common answers we get to hear from children going to school for why kids hate school. Children complain that they don’t get freedom at school and it’s the main reason why they don’t like it there. They find it similar to a prison where you couldn’t do stuff according to your will for example drink water or go the washroom without getting permit.
Suppressing Their Desires
Children usually love spending time in nature and exploring it. They don’t like getting tied up for anything and that’s exactly how most of them feel at their schools. They can’t express their feelings and are made bound to learn maths, history and other subjects. In fact moving or talking to the fellows is not allowed until you seek for permission and this obviously is the reason behind why a kid refuses to go to school. In most of the places children are sent to school from a very early age. They want to express their emotions and say things but they are confine in a room for about 7-8 hours per day for almost twelve years of their lives. The experience is not very good for most of them due to different reasons. All these things and it’s obvious for why do kids hate school.

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No Freedom Of Thought
Before we send our child to school we assume it would aid to better thinking as an individual and enhance his capabilities to explore stuff. Unfortunately it doesn’t happens and in fact the opposite does. The teachers most of the time expects the students to repeat exactly what she explained, made him write or think in the same manner. This is not right at all. Schools are built to make children speak out their ideas, share them and expect to believe that he’d be appreciated for it rather than being told that he failed to deliver exactly what he was supposed to. Respect is definitely not negligible but putting forward your opinion which if oppose to what teacher says doesn’t mean a child is misbehaving. It is considered to be disrespectful if you say your opinion and try to explain even with the most relevant arguments. It also results in depression and anxiety for many children. If a child is experiencing all of this then there’s no further question for why a kid refuses to go to school.
The Result
The most common fear a child has within is the outcome of how he has performed in exams. They get so nervous and depressed when they get to hear the result day is close that it starts bothering them. Instead of getting excited to know what improvements he have made and the outcome for his hard work, he has a fear inside. This is not his fault but he knows if he fails to get good marks, he won’t be meeting the standards of our system and the society because over here good result is a sign of intelligence. The reason behind why do kids hate school could be more than one.
Bullying is widespread and perhaps very common in schools. It causes harmful and long lasting effects in one’s life as well as damages a person’s self-esteem. It mostly occurs in schools rather than any other place. You must keep a check and communicate if your kid refuses to go to school to make sure this is not the case. It effects a person emotionally, physically and mentally and even leads to suicidal thoughts in some cases. May be bullying might be the reason behind why your kid refuses to go to school every day.
Another reason for children disliking school might be because they don’t have any friends over there. Children love everywhere where friends are even if they don’t like the place they still don’t complain because they have their friends with them. The feeling of ignorance and having no friends could also be the reason a child fakes sickness or create excuses for not going. You can help him with this by boosting his social skills and using his area of quality to become his strength.
Difficulty In Learning
Some children’s concern might be staying behind from others even if they try very hard. The fear of competition and not coming above the others might be the reason why do kids hate school. You must figure out what problems he is facing and try to resolve. Maybe he is unable to understand due to weak eye-sight or his way of learning might be different from others and that’s why he isn’t able to get things like that children do. In the end, they get frustrated and make different excuses for not going to school, facing teachers and other students over there.
The role of school to strengthen the personality of a child must be followed. If our education system succeeds to follow the rules and basics of why it is there, there would be no child left behind, depressed or with low self-esteem. Our system needs to change. It needs to be understood that education is not about how well the child portrays what he has been explained by his teachers but it is how wide is your thinking ability and how you think it your own way. Education is not about getting good results in order to maintain your prestige in the society but it is to what improvement a child has managed to make. This, unfortunately, is not implied but the students with good grades are considered the best. Also keep in mind kids try to trick parents against teachers, it’s not okay to believe undoubtedly on whatever he says because it might not be true or he could be making you assume things as an excuse. You must involve with his teachers and friends to figure out why do kids hate school or why your kid refuses to go to school.