
Find the Adjective: We won the match with a late goal.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: Have you ever caught a big fish?

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: They had an enjoyable afternoon.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: He cut the cake with a very sharp knife.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: I could see everything through the clear glass.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: Why don't you bring your best friend Angela?

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: They met with a terrible accident yesterday.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: The old roof of their house leaks.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: The hunter was searching for a beautiful deer.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Adjective: Sam finished his easy homework quickly.

Correct! Wrong!

Adjective Quiz 20
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