
A smew is what type of creature?

Correct! Wrong!

Which is the animal with the Latin name "syncerus caffer"?

Correct! Wrong!

Do sharks have a good sense of smell?

Correct! Wrong!

cats cant see

Correct! Wrong!

What variety of birds are Hooded and Carrion?

Correct! Wrong!

True or False. Most sharks can drown, in order not to do so they need to keep moving.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the dog on the front of the Cracker Jack box?

Correct! Wrong!

Which animal has eyes larger than it's brain?

Correct! Wrong!

A turtle shell is made up of?

Correct! Wrong!

How old was the world’s oldest dog, an Australian cattle hound named Bluey, in human years?

Correct! Wrong!

Animal Quiz 09
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