
Identify the common noun from the following sentence. Peter wrote five rules for a game.

Correct! Wrong!

What is an example of a proper noun from the following things?

Correct! Wrong!

We met at Maxwell at noon. The word "Maxwell" is a ______ noun.

Correct! Wrong!

There are 12 months in a year. The word "months" is a _____ noun.

Correct! Wrong!

The stone can be thrown in any direction. __________ is a common noun in this sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. The word "Tom and Jerry" is a _____ noun.

Correct! Wrong!

France and Germany have great buildings. ________is a common noun in this sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

Cricket is a popular sport in all over the world. __________ is a common noun in this sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

I live in a small town in New York. The word "town" is a _____ noun.

Correct! Wrong!

Nike sneakers are very popular. ________ is a proper noun in this sentence.

This is your face in Summer Season
Show hint
Correct! Wrong!

Common And Proper Noun Quiz 01
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