
In Germany this fish is commonly sold as "sea salmon".

Correct! Wrong!

This large flatfish is sometimes known as "the cow of the sea".

Correct! Wrong!

Also known as Torbay sole, which fish is this?

Correct! Wrong!

All of the following are fish except:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not a fish commonly known to live in and around coral reefs?

Correct! Wrong!

This determines the body temperature of most fish.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is a characteristic unique only to fish and no other class of animal?

Correct! Wrong!

The largest bony fish is called:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not a defense mechanism of the pufferfish?

Correct! Wrong!

Swimming at speeds up to 68 mph what is the fastest fish in the world?

Correct! Wrong!

Fish Quiz 02
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