
Paula’s homework assignment has 6 math questions and 4 science questions. How many questions are there in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Jack has five elder sisters and three younger sisters. Find the number of sisters Jack has?

Correct! Wrong!

From a store Peter bought four white boards and four black boards. How many boards did Peter buy?

Correct! Wrong!

A zoo has added 9 black deer and 10 brown deer to their collection. How many deer are there in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Joy bought 4 purple lilies and Jeff bought 7 white daisies. How many flowers did they buy in all?

Correct! Wrong!

On Wednesday the students were given 6 questions in science and 4 questions in math. How many questions are there in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Five black cars and ten white cars in the garage for sale. Find the total number of cars in the garage for sale.

Correct! Wrong!

David and Davis had a bet and to win they had to count results from teenagers. At first they counted 1 result. Later, they counted 9 more results. How many results did they count in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Candy got a lot of homework assignments today. She has 2 math questions and 7 science questions. How many questions are there in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Shay's dad is very rich. He has 6 white cars and 3 black cars. If you count them all, how many cars does Shay's dad own?

Correct! Wrong!

Math Word Problem Quiz 02
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