
Betty painted 5 black birds and 12 white birds in her painting. How many birds in total did she paint?

Correct! Wrong!

Penny went shopping and bought 2 cups. She decided that she wanted more so she went to the store and bought 3 more. How many did she buy?

Correct! Wrong!

I have 9 bubble gums. If I buy 2 bubble gums, How many more will I have then?

Correct! Wrong!

Marry had three friends in grade one and seven friends in grade two. How many friends did she have in total?

Correct! Wrong!

Mariela collected 11 feathers. Then she found 3 more feathers. How many feathers did Mariela have in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Jones ordered 2 suits and his wife ordered 7 suits. What is the total number of suits that were ordered?

Correct! Wrong!

A girl ordered 5 suits to give to charity. She already had ordered 9 suits. What is the total number of suits that were ordered?

Correct! Wrong!

A shopping mall has 5 cars parked outside of it. If 5 more cars parked in the same place, what is the total number of cars that are parked outside the shopping mall?

Correct! Wrong!

Kathy saw 3 blue cars, 8 green cars, and 3 red cars when she was on her way to school. At school the teacher asked how many cars she saw total. What did Kathy respond with?

Correct! Wrong!

I have 4 candies. My mom give me 10 more. How many candies do I have now?

Correct! Wrong!

Math Word Problem Quiz 03
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