
There are 9 Poodles and 15 German Shepherd dogs. How many dogs are there in the store?

Correct! Wrong!

There are 14 goldfish in a water tank. Kerri put in 23 more goldfish in the tank. How many goldfish are there?

Correct! Wrong!

Max has an 8-hour shift today. Kerri works for 6 hours today. How many hours do they work in total?

Correct! Wrong!

Joan found 16 dolls in the toy box and 4 dolls under Jenna’s bed. How many dolls did Jenna have?

Correct! Wrong!

There were 23 books on the book shelf and 5 more on the floor. How many books were there in total?

Correct! Wrong!

Joan found 20 crayons on the floor and there were another 12 crayons inside the box. How many crayons were there in total?

Correct! Wrong!

The first graders came to the library and borrowed 12 books and then the second graders came in to the library and borrowed 16 books. How many books in total were borrowed?

Correct! Wrong!

At lunch time, the waiters take 25 orders, but the kitchen only made food for 22 orders. How many orders are missed?

Correct! Wrong!

Ms. Merilyn is the teacher for Grade 1. She has 10 boys and 12 girls in her class. How many students are there in the class?

Correct! Wrong!

Jimmy got out of school, and wanted a snack. He looked in his fridge and saw 2 cans of soda, and 1 bottle of juice. How many drink options did Jimmy see inside of his fridge?

Correct! Wrong!

Math Word Problem Quiz 06
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