
There are 22 lollipops. 3 more lollipops are added . How many are there in total?

Correct! Wrong!

If there are 73 apples in a crate and Melissa puts 3 more apples inside, how many apples are in the crate?

Correct! Wrong!

What will be the answer if 5 are added to 14?

Correct! Wrong!

In a village, there are 25 males and 18 females. What is the population of the village?

Correct! Wrong!

Billy has a whole bag of comic books. He buys 5 more comic books. If he previously had 38 comic books, how many does he have now?

Correct! Wrong!

In a garden there are 30 trees and 40 small bushes. Find out the total number of plants there.

Correct! Wrong!

Kathy buys a pack of 30 crayons. She previously had 6 crayons already. How many crayons does she have now?

Correct! Wrong!

In an apple eating competition, a barrel is filled with 43 apples. If the crowds add a total of 14 apples more. What is total number of apples?

Correct! Wrong!

In an orange juice factory 33 crates of oranges were present. If the owner brought 20 more crates. How many crates are there now?

Correct! Wrong!

Christine eats 9 peanuts. Sandra gives Christine 20 of her peanuts. How many peanuts does Christine eats in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Math Word Problem Quiz 14
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