
Susie needs 13 balloons. She already has 4 balloons. How many more balloons does she need?

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the highest number from these: 12,25,18, 23,14

Correct! Wrong!

My book has 28 pages. I've read 23 pages. How many pages are left to read?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the sum of 5+7?

Correct! Wrong!

How much is 2 tens and 3 ones?

Correct! Wrong!

What do you add in 1 to get the answer 4?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the greatest two digit number?

Correct! Wrong!

How much is 9 – 6?

Correct! Wrong!

Which is the missing number in 10 - ___ = 6?

Correct! Wrong!

8-2, 7-1 and 5+1 all are equal to which number?

Correct! Wrong!

Mental Math Quiz 01
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