
What number is the clock on when the time is 19:00.

Correct! Wrong!

I have 12 toy cars. I lose 4 of them. How many are left?

Correct! Wrong!

A beetle has 6 legs. How many legs do 2 beetles have?

Correct! Wrong!

Which is the smallest number: 34, 52, 41, 19, 28.

Correct! Wrong!

11 plus 14 is equal to?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the next number? 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, ___.

Correct! Wrong!

What is the sum of 10 plus 8?

Correct! Wrong!

Give the number forty-five:

Correct! Wrong!

How many side does a rectangle have?

Correct! Wrong!

How much cents does a dollar equal to?

Correct! Wrong!

Mental Math Quiz 04
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