
Choose the correct prefix. In many countries it is ___ legal to keep a gun in your home.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct prefix. He's thinking of going back to university and taking a ____graduate course.

Correct! Wrong!

A landform that grows high above the surrounding area

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct prefix. There was some _________agreement over the bill.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct prefix. She works for a _________national company. It has offices in over 30 countries.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct suffix. He has little aware ______ of the dangers he will face.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct suffix. She couldn't hide his disappoint ________ at his low grade.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct suffix. The twins got on very well together and there was no jealous _____ between them.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct suffix. I was shocked at his rude ______.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct suffix. She's training to become a psycholog ____________.

Correct! Wrong!

Prefixes And Suffixes Quiz 01
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