
Choose the correct missing preposition: We should not spend money ___ luxuries.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: Justin sat ___ a chair.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: I gave him a chair to sit ___.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: They will stay ___ a hotel.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: The new term begins ___ June 1st.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: He poured the tea ___ the mug.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: He said he was very pleased ____ my work.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: Most squirrels make their homes ___ tree holes.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: She placed the keys ____ the table.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: They let him go ___ the concert with his friends.

Correct! Wrong!

Preposition Quiz 12
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