
Find the Pronoun: He poked the ball.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: They all sat on the chairs.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: They waited for a taxi.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: Nobody stayed in the hotel.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: He picked up the phone.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: She ran past the street lamp.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: We went to a dinosaur museum.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: They play in a tree house.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: Everyone loves cheese.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: The goggles protect our eyes.

Correct! Wrong!

Pro-Noun Quiz 12
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