
Find the Pronoun: I have a green sweater.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: My father bought a red car.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: I had to fix my chair because it was broken.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: My younger brother slept early today.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: We performed well at the concert.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: I drink orange juice in breakfast.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: We unpacked our heavy suitcases.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: They wandered around the mall.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: Everyone chose a book from the biggest bookcase.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Pronoun: We saw the train stop at the station.

Correct! Wrong!

Pro-Noun Quiz 17
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