
The biggest part of the human brain is called _____________.

Correct! Wrong!

_______is the colored part that controls how light can pass through a pupil.

Correct! Wrong!

____________ is a pigment that gives color to hair and skin.

Correct! Wrong!

The muscles that are found in thighs are known as ______________.

Correct! Wrong!

The two chambers of the heart are called ________________.

Correct! Wrong!

The ___________ are made up of a substance called keratin.

Correct! Wrong!

The _________is the largest organ in the human body.

Correct! Wrong!

The innermost part of the bone contain ________________.

Bone marrow
Correct! Wrong!

There are ___________ bones in the human body.

Correct! Wrong!

The human body have ________ pair of lungs.

Correct! Wrong!

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