
The shadows are short when Sun is________ in the sky.

Correct! Wrong!

The Sun is a source of __________ in forming the shadow.

Correct! Wrong!

__________ is an opaque object

Correct! Wrong!

_________ helps us to see things.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

This light source causes shadows in the outdoor environment.

Correct! Wrong!

The shadows are long in _______________ and __________________.

Correct! Wrong!

The shadows shows the Earth's _____________.

Correct! Wrong!

The object is close to the light source its shadow is ___________.

Correct! Wrong!

The object is away to the light source its shadow is ___________.

Correct! Wrong!

Material that doesn't allow the light to pass through is called __________.

Correct! Wrong!

Shadow Quiz 02
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