
What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

What time is it on the clock?

Telling Time Quiz 06
Correct! Wrong!

Telling Time Quiz 06
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