
This gas makes up 78% of the atmosphere.

Correct! Wrong!

High air pressure is cause by __________ pulling air molecules towards Earth.

Correct! Wrong!

When water vapour is cooled and forms droplets.This is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

The curvature of wind is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

Ozone layer is found in this layer of the atmosphere.

Correct! Wrong!

____________ is the breaking down of rocks and minerals on Earth's surface.

Correct! Wrong!

The condition of the atmosphere in a certain place at a certain time is known as _________.

Correct! Wrong!

A ____________ is an instrument that measures rainfall.

Correct! Wrong!

_______________ is water released from clouds in the form of rain, sleet, snow, or hail.

Correct! Wrong!

The enhanced Fujita scale is used to measure the severity of this natural disaster.

Correct! Wrong!

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